UUHBs - Unconventionally Unfolding Handmade Book



is another unconventionally unfolding handmade book (UUHB) I worked on in May and finished up on June 1st. It includes a koan like passage encoded in a personal glyph font I made earlier this year and it appears unencoded on the last page.

I have been thoroughly involved with the idea of natural selection and in particular its philosophical implications on the the nature of mind.  On one side there is the mind - the producer of ideas, including ideas about the self, the world surrounding it, and the relationship between the two.  

On the other is the biological imperative to reproduce.  

My little poem reminds me that the mind is not a truth machine, but the product of natural selection.  It is something that has given our genes lasting power.  In the sphere of mind and its relationship to truth, doubt is a healthy thing.  In the sphere of desire - in particular sexual desire - there is purpose. 

These are good ideas to hold.


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